Pipeline Toolbox Crack
List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production. The oil and gas industry uses many acronyms and abbreviations. This list is meant for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon for anything but general information. C Proved Contingent Resources. A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places that has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by foot or some form of conveyance. Pipeline Toolbox Crack' title='Pipeline Toolbox Crack' />P Proven reserves. C Proved and probable Contingent Resources. D two dimensional geophysics2. P proved and probable reserves. C three components seismic acquisition x,y and z3. C Proved, probable and possible Contingent Resources. D three dimensional geophysics3. P proved, probable and possible reserves. D multiple 3. Ds acquired over time the 4th D over the same area with the same parameters geophysics8rd eight round describes the number of revolutions per inch of pipe threadA Appraisal wellAADE American Association of Drilling Engineers1AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists2AAPL American Association of Professional Landmen. AAODC American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors obsolete superseded by IADCAAV Annulus Access Valve. ABAN Abandonment, also as AB and ABDABSA Alberta Boilers Safety Association. ACHE Air Cooled Heat Exchanger. Pipe casing spacers centre a pipe within casings. Suitable for river, canal, bridge, rail, road crossings. Multiutility spacers and spacers with wheels. The best criminal hacker is the one that isnt caughtor even identified. These are 10 of the most infamous unsolved computer crimes that we know about. Im working on adding links from this page to my tutorials. I hope to have them all covered, somehow, some way. Please feel free to scroll through the entire list. ACOU Acoustic. ACQU Acquisition log. ADE Advanced Decision Making Environment. ADEP Awaiting Development with Exploration Potential, referring to an asset. ADROC advanced rock properties report. ADT Applied Drilling Technology, ADT log. ADM Advanced Diagnostics Module FieldbusAFE Authorization For Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors. AFP Active Fire Protection. AGRU acid gas removal unit. AGT Agitator, used in Drilling. AHBDF along hole depth below Derrick floor. AHD along hole depth. AHU Air Handling Unit. AICD autonomous inflow control device. AIPSM Asset Integrity and Process Safety Management. AIR Assurance Interface and Risk. AIRG airgun. AIRRE airgun report. AIT array induction tool. AL appraisal license United Kingdom, a type of onshore licence issued before 1. ALAP as low as possible used along with density of mudALARP as low as reasonably practicable. ALC aertical seismic profile acoustic log calibration report. ALLMS Anchor Leg Load Monitoring System. ALQ Additional Living Quarters. ALR acoustic log reporta. MDEA activated methyldiethanolamine. AMS auxiliary measurement service log Auxiliary Measurement Sonde temperatureAMSL above mean sea level. AMI area of mutal interest. AMV annulus master valve3ANACO analysis of core logs report. ANARE analysis report. AOF absolute open flow. AOFP absolute open flow potential. AOL Arrive on location. APD application for permit to drill. API American Petroleum Institute organization which sets unit standards in the oil and gas industry. APPRE appraisal report. APS active pipe support. APWD annular pressure while drilling tool 2ARACL array acoustic log. ARESV analysis of reservoir. ARI azimuthal resistivity image. ARRC array acoustic report. How To Get International Driving License In Mumbai. ART actuator running tool. AS array sonic processing log. ASI ASI log. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASOG Activity Specific Operating Guidelines. ASP array sonic processing report. ASP Alkali Surfactant Polymer. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials. ASCSSV annulus surface controlled sub surface valve3ASV Anti Surge Valve. ASV Annular Safety Valve. ASV Accommodation and Support Vessel. ATD application to drill. ATU Auto Top up Unit. AUV authonomus underwater vehicle. AV annular velocity or apparent viscosity. AVGMS Annulus Vent Gas Monitoring System. AVO amplitude versus offset geophysicsAWBV annulus wing blockvalve XTAWO approval for well operation. ATM at the moment. B or b prefix denoting a number in billions. BA Bottom Assembly of a riserbbl barrel. BBG Buy Back Gas. BBSM behaviour based safety management. BCPD barrels condensate per day. Bcf billion cubic feet of natural gasBcfe billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalentBDF below derrick floor. BDL bit data log. BDV blowdown valve. BGL borehole geometry log. BGL below ground level used as a datum for depths in a wellBGS British Geological Survey. BGT borehole geometry tool. BGWP base of ground water protection. BH bloodhound. BHA bottom hole assembly toolstring on coiled tubing or drill pipeBHC BHC gamma ray log. BHCA BHC acoustic log. BHCS BHC sonic log. BHCT bottomhole circulating temperature. BHL borehole log. BHP bottom hole pressure. BHPRP borehole pressure report. BHSRE bottom hole sampling report. BHSS borehole seismic survey. BHT bottomhole temperature. BHTV borehole television report. BINXQ bond index quicklook log. BIOR biostratigraphic range log. BIORE biostratigraphy study report. BSLM Bend Stiffener Latch Mechanism. BIVDL BIDKWFCasing collar locatorgamma ray log. BLI bottom of logging interval. BO back off logboe barrels of oil equivalentboed barrels of oil equivalent per day. BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy Managementboepd barrels of oil equivalent per day. BOB back on bottom. BOD Biological Oxygen Demand. BOM bill of materials. BOP blowout preventer. BOP bottom of pipe. BOPD barrels of oil per day. BOPE blowout prevention equipment. BOREH borehole seismic analysis. BOSIET basic offshore safety induction and emergency training. BOTHL bottom hole locator log. BOTTO bottom hole pressuretemperature report. BP bridge plug. BPD barrels per day. BPH barrels per hour. BPFL borehole profile log. BPLUG baker plug. BPO By Pass Override. BPV back pressure valve goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong directionBQL BQL log. BRPLG bridge plug log. BRT below rotary table used as a datum for depths in a wellBS Bend Stiffener. BS bumper sub. BS Booster Station. BSEE US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement4 formerly the MMSBSG Black Start Generator. BSR blind shear rams blowout preventerBSML below sea mean level. BS W basic sediments and water. BT buoyancy tank. BTEX benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene. BTHL bottom hole log. BTOC break to openclose valve torqueBTU British thermal units. BU bottom up. BUL bottom up lag. BUR build up rate. BVO ball valve operatorbwd barrels of water per day often used in reference to oil productionbwpd barrels of water per day. C E well completion and equipment cost. C S cased and suspended. C1 methane. C2 ethane. C3 propane. C4 butane. C6 hexanes. C7 heavy hydrocarbon components. CA core analysis log. CAAF Contract Authorization Approval Form. CALI calliper log. CALOG circumferential acoustic log. CALVE calibrated velocity log data. CAODC Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors. CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. CART cam actuated running tool housing running toolCART Cap Replacement Tool. CAS casing log. CAT Connector Actuating Tool. CB core barrel. CBIL CBIL log. CBL cement bond log measurement of casing cement integrityCBM choke bridge module XT choke. CBM conventional buoy mooring. CBM coal bed methane. CCHT core chart log. CCL casing collar locator in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by correlation of the casing strings magnetic anomaly with known casing featuresCCLBD Construction Commissioning Logic Block Diagram.