Virtual Car Modifier Program
Car Bibles Automotive abbreviations. Car bibles automotive abbreviations a lookup for all those 3 letter and 4 letter synonyms and codes that youll find in cars. Dont know your SOHC from your socks This page is a quick lookup and reference guide for all those acronyms and abbreviations that youll find around the car industry. These can be used in specifications, sales brochures, warning lights anywhere. Drop me a line with suggestions and omissions. With gushing thanks to Dave Haughey without whom this exhaustive list wouldnt exist. VTwo Venturi Valve two barrel carburetor2v. Two Valve cylinder head2. WSTwo Wheel Steer. EATFour speed Electronic Automatic Transmission. VFour Venturi Valve four barrel carburetor4v. Four Valve cylinder head4. WASFour Wheel Air Suspension. WDFour Wheel Drive. WSFour Wheel Steer. PyrL6r4ZgIxJBEQBSkQhzmVyLerAU8KNMP28xuBv9kvv-aQdcKAAyIaaajBKtTnf58o=h900' alt='Virtual Car Modifier Program' title='Virtual Car Modifier Program' />Sixteen valve cylinder headAATAmbient Air Temperature. ABCActive Body Control. ABSAntilock Brake System. ACAir Conditioning. ACCAdaptive Cruise Control. ACCAutomatic Climate Controlaccel. Accelerationaccum. Accumulatoraccy. Accessory. ACEActive Cornering Enhancement. ACLAir cleaner. ACMAirbag Control Module. ACMAudio Control Module. ACTAir Charge Temperature. ADASAdvanced Driver Assistance System. ADCAutomatic Distance Control. ADLAutomatic Door Lock. AECMAirbag Electronic Control Module. AFAir Fuel Ratio see also AFRAFCAir Flow Control. AFCAir Fuel Control. AFRAir Fuel Ratio see also AFAGVSAutomated Guided Vehicle System. AHLDAutomatic Headlamp Levelling Device. AHRActive Head Restraint. AHSActive Handling System. AISAutomatic Idle Speed. ALCAutomatic Level Control. ALTAlternator see also GENAMMAir Mass Meter. AMTAutomated Manual Transmission. AODAutomatic Overdrive. EmbSOa1jw/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Virtual Car Modifier Program' title='Virtual Car Modifier Program' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Think Destiny 2 is a little too easy Good news The quest for the Rat King sidearm is just the kind of extreme challenge you might be looking for. I4QpLM/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Virtual Car Modifier Programme' title='Virtual Car Modifier Programme' />AOSAutomatic Occupant Sensing. APIAmerican Petroleum Institute. APOAccessory Power Outlets. APPAccelerator Pedal Position. ARCActive Roll Control. ARCAutomatic Ride Control. ARSAutomatic Restraint System. ASARCAir Suspension Automatic Ride Control. ASCDAuto Speed Control Device. ASFAudi Space Frame. Toyota-Supra-2011-Concept-by-MK211-2-720x480.jpg' alt='Virtual Car Modifier Program' title='Virtual Car Modifier Program' />Is the JVM Java Virtual Machine platform dependent or platform independent What is the advantage of using the JVM, and having Java be a translated language JVM. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews. Tenkeyless keyboards lose the number pad on the right side in favor of a more compact footprint. I say, why stop there Vortexgears 75 percent Race 3 features. ASGAutomatic Shift Gearbox. ASRAcceleration Slip Regulation. ASTCAutomatic Stability and Traction Control. ATAutomatic Transmission. ATCAutomatic Temperature Control. ATDCAfter Top Dead Center. ATFActive Transfer Case. ATFAutomatic Transfer Case. ATFAutomatic Transmission Fluid. ATSLCAutomatic Transmission Shift Lock Control. ATTSAdvanced Torque Transfer System. AWDAll Wheel Drive. AYCActive Yaw Control. BAROBarometric pressureBASBrake Apply Sensorbatt. Battery. BBKBig Brake Kit. BBVBrake Booster Vacuum. BCMBody Control Module. BHPBrake Horsepower. BLWBrake Lining Wear. BMAPBarometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure. BPBack Pressure. BPA Brake Pedal Applied. BPABypass Air. BPMVBrake Pressure Modulator Valve. BPPBrake Pedal Position. BPWBase Pulse Width. BTCMBrake Torque Control Module. BTDCBefore Top Dead Center. BTSIBrake Transmission Shift Interlock. C3. IComputer Controlled Coil Ignition. CAACanadian Automobile Association. CAAClean Air Act. CABController, Antilock Brake. CACCharge Air Cooler. CAFCCompany Average Fuel Consumption CanadaCAFECorporate Average Fuel Economy USACASECranking Angle Sensing Error. CCClimate Control. CCCoast Clutch. CCCruise Control. CCDChrysler Collision Detection. CCCDCatalytic Converter Cool Down. CCDComputer Controlled Dwell. CCDICClimate Control Driver Information Center. CCFLCold Cathode Flourescent Lamp. CCMCentral Control Module. CCMChassis Control Module. CCPClimate Control Panel. CCSClimate Controlled Seat. CCSCoast Clutch Solenoid. CDACylinder De Activation. CDRChrysler Diagnostic Readout. CDRCrash Data Retrieval. CDRVCrankcase Depression Regulator Valve. CELCheck Engine Light see also MILCEABCold Engine Air Bleed. CEMSCatalyst Efficiency Management System. CEMSCarbureted Engine Management System. CFICentral Fuel Injection replaced with TBICFIContinuous Fuel Injectioncfmcubic feet per minute. CGCenter of Gravity. CHMSLCenter High Mounted Stop Lamp. CIDCubic Inch Displacement. CIDCylinder Identification. CKPCrankshaft Position. CLClosed Loop. CLCCClosed Loop Carburetor Control. CLSCoolant Level Switch. CLTBIClosed Loop Throttle Body Injection CLNTCoolant. CMCCompressor Motor Controllercmd. Commandcmdd. Commanded. CMFICentral Multi port Fuel Injection. CMPCamshaft Position CMVSSCanadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. CNGCompressed Natural Gas. COCarbon Monoxide. CO2. Carbon Dioxidecomm. Communicationcond. Conditionconst. Constant. COPCoil On Plug. COPComputer Operating Properly. CPCanister Purge. CPCCamshaft Position Control. CPICentral Port Fuel Injection. CPPClutch Pedal Position. CPSCam Profile Switching. CPSChildseat Postioning Sensor. CPUCentral Processing Unit. CRRCool Running Rotor. CSCharging System. CSCCommercial Stripped Chassis. CSFICentral Sequential Fuel Injection. CSICompression Sense Ignition. CTDContent Theft Deterent. CTOXContinuous Trap Oxidizer. CTPClosed Throttle Position switchCTSCoolant Temperature Sensor. CVConstant Velocity. CVNCalibration Verification Number. CVRSSContinuously Variable Road Sensing Suspenion. CVRTDContinuously Variable Real Time Damping. CVTContinuously Variable Transmission. CZSCrash Zone Sensor. DABDelayed Accessory Bus. DABDriver Air. Bag moduleDARTDiagnostic And Reprogramming Toold. BDecibelsd. BAdecibels on A weighted scale. DBBDual Bed Bead. DBMDual Bed Monolith. DCDirect Current. DCDuty Cycle. DCCSMDual Climate Controlled Seat Module. DCMDoor Control Module. DDMDrivers Door Module. DDSDeflation Detection System. DDSDrivers Door Switch. Import Contacts Nokia Pc Suite Outlook. DEDrive Enddec. Decrement. DECDigital Electronic Controller. DERMDiagnostic Energy Reserve Moduledes. Desired. DFCODeceleration Fuel Cut. Off. DFIDirect Fuel Injection. DGIDirect Gasoline Injection. DIDistributor Ignition. DICDriver Information Centerdiff. Differential. DIMDashboard Integration Moduledis. Disable. DISDirect aka Distributorless Ignition System replaced with EIdisc. Disconnect. DISIDirect Injection, Spark Ignition. DISTDistributor. DIYDo It Yourself. DLCData Link Connector. DLCDiamond Logic Computer. DMCMDriver Motor Control Module. DMMDigital Multi. Meter. DMSDDrive Motor Speed and Direction. DOHCDouble Overhead Cam. DNRDolby Noise Reduction. DOLData Output Line. DPFEDifferential Pressure Feedback EGRDPIDual Plug Inhibit. DRBDiagnostic Readout Box. DRFDeactivating Roller Follower. DRLDaytime Running Lamps. DRRDigital Radio Receiver. DRWDual Rear Wheel. DSCCDistance Sensing Cruise Control. DSDADual Stage Driver Airbag. DSGDirect Shift Gearbox. DSIDual Stage Inflator. DSMDrivers Seat module. DSODigital Storage Oscilloscope. DSPDigital Signal Process. DSPADual Stage Passenger Airbag. DSRCDedicated Short Range Commnication. DSSDownshift Solenoid. DSSTDunlop Self Supporting Tyre. DTCDiagnostic Trouble Code. DTMDiagnostic Test Mode. DTRDigital Transmission Range. DTTDiesel Transmission Technologies. DVOMDigital Volt Ohmmeter. E4. ODElectronic 4 Speed Overdrive. E1. 0Ethanol 1. 0 percent. E8. 5Ethanol 8. 5 percent. EAElectronic Accelerator. EACElectronic Air Control replaced with AIREAIRElectronic secondary Air Injection Reaction. EASElectrically Assisted Steering. EASElectronic Air Switching EATCElectronic Automatic Temperature Control. EBCElectronic Brake Control. EBCMElectronic Brake Control Module. EBDElectronic Brake force Distribution. EBMElectronic Brake Module. EBPExhaust Back Pressure. EBTCMElectronic Brake and Traction Control Module. ECElectrical Center. ECElectronic Control. E CEntertainment and Comfort. ECAElectronic Control Assembly replaced with PCMECCElectronic Climate Control. ECDElectronically Controlled Deceleration. ECIExtended Compressor at Idle. ECLEngine Coolant Level. Oracle Technology Network for Java Developers Oracle Technology Network.